Women's Bible Study

Kristie Annis

Executive Director Onboarding Specialist, Commonwealth Senior Living, I have worked in the senior living industry for almost 30 years. Zion Sunday School Women’s Class teacher, 10 plus years, also taught a couples Sunday School class for 5 years with my husband, Steve.

“Teaching God’s word is an honor for me. I am reminded off God’s love, grace and provision for us each week as I prepare our lessons. It excites me to share scripture and lessons that encourage us in many ways and in many different seasons of life. Our classroom of ladies uplift one another, encourage one another and support one another. I believe this is an example of God‘s love in action!

Adults Bible Study

Shelley Thornton

Throughout the years and as current teacher of our adult Sunday School class, I have a heart and commitment for digging deep into God’s Word as I rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our class is like family who are dedicated to one another as well as those new to our class and it is my goal to strengthen and encourage the Body of Christ. We’d love to have you join us!


Phil Brooks

I moved to the beautiful Eastern Shore seven years ago with my wife Lydia. We have two sons, a daughter and three grandchildren. We are comere’s from North Carolina that love it here. Our men’s class meets together on Sunday mornings to read, study, and discuss what God’s Word reveals to each of us through the Holy Spirit and how we can apply it’s truth in our everyday lives. We encourage discussions of tough questions, insightful answers and how to broaden our brotherhood with each other . Be a real man and learn how to love all people like Jesus taught. All men are welcome to join us!

Children's Ministry:

Sunday School: Kindergarten - 6th Grade

Children's Church: Kindergarten - 6th Grade

Amanda French

As the daughter of a pastor, Amanda began teaching in the children's ministry as a teenager. She has taught all age levels in a wide variety of ministry context, including, short and long term Bible studies, Sunday school, summer sports camps, camp counselor, and vacation Bible schools. The Lord gave Amanda a heart for discipling the children. Amanda earned a B.A. in English Literature from Concord University and she loves to read and work in her garden. Her greatest privilege is found in her and Pastor Michael's foremost mission field, their home, where they have the joy of raising three children. In her bible teaching, Amanda places an emphasis on developing bible literacy (learning the bible narratives, the doctrines set forth in Scripture, and how to apply them to our lives) of children of all ages. Simply, Amanda makes it her goal in the children's ministry to make the full counsel of God (the Bible) accessible to children of all ages. 

Rosemary Gibbons

I have taught school for 38 years and substituted for 12. My love of children has kept me active teaching Sunday School, mission friends, and VBS at Zion for many years. God has truly blessed me to teach children!

Bonnie McJitton

I have always loved children!

From being a Mom of two… teaching grades 1-3 more than 30 years….being Bonbon to 7 grands….. and through the years at Zion, teaching in Sunday School, Mission Friends, VBS, and in the nursery.  I have been so blessed to have been  surrounded by many children!

Jesus’  words in  Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of  Heaven belongs to such as these.”

Nursery ministry is offered for children 0 - 3 yrs old for both Sunday School and Sunday Service. Workers have passed a background check.